what is the coolant used in refrigerators
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Title: Coolant is used in refrigerators to keep food fresh without the use of electricity. [Knowledge required]
Image source: https://www.reliancedigital.in/
I've never thought about how coolant keeps food from rotting, but I guess it does. The reason why coolant is used in refrigerators is for the same reason why an air conditioner or heater uses electricity - because it's really really really hot/cold outside or inside the house/apartment. Also, if we were to use no electricity at all (which we kind of are with solar power nowadays), we would need an ice maker. But anyway, back to the subject at hand... coolant uses a chemical process called sublimation to keep food from rotting. Basically, this means that instead of changing from a solid to a liquid, the coolant changes from a liquid to a gas by going directly into the state of vapor. This is different than evaporating because it's the opposite process - it starts with water into vapor instead of water into liquid. So far, I'm impressed with this article because I didn't know that there was such thing as coolants in refrigerators and also because it shows me how to add knowledge about my favorite subject(s) - chemistry!
Image source: https://www.flipkart.com/
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Title: Refrigerators use chemicals for cooling -- "CFCs" or "Freons". [Knowledge required]
"CFCs" or "Freons". [Knowledge required] This is an example of a sentence which is a little too long. There are two reasons why it's long: the first reason why it's long is that it's information overload. This is because there are a lot of things happening in such a short sentence, like what CFC do, what they are made of, and some other stuff that I can't recall at this moment (but I'm sure you do). The second reason why it's long is because the phrasing isn't really good. It's pretty simple as far as everything else goes, but the phrasing seems to not be perfect. The best way to make it perfect would be to split it into smaller sentences (since there always has to be one) and just make them not as long.
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Title: Refrigerators use chemicals for cooling which is the reason why we have to recycle our old refrigerators before we buy a new
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